Red Giant vs Blue Giant (How Are They Different?)

The main difference between red giants and blue giants are that blue giants are far hotter, more luminous and fall under the bracket of a main sequence star whereas red giants are the phase that blue giants among other main sequence stars enter when they are unable to commit to nuclear fusion within the core, … Read more

Quasar vs Nebula (How Are They Different?)

The main difference between the two is that a nebula is a large cluster of dust clouds and gases formed after a star dies whereas Quasars are found around the accretion disc of a supermassive black hole, are amongst the brightest and amongst hottest celestial objects in the known universe. Nebulae and quasars differ in … Read more

What Is A Super Star Cluster? (Explained!)

A super star cluster is a gathering of millions of stars that are gravitationally bound together. First discovered in the early 1960s, these stellar masses provide a fascinating insight to astronomers, allowing them to witness a “snapshot” in the life cycle of a star. Continue reading to discover how star clusters form, who discovered the … Read more

Why Do Black Holes Have Rings? (Explained!)

On the edge of a black hole lies an area where matter can still possess just enough energy to escape the enormous gravitational pull of these monsters. Thanks to the excessive energy output of these particles, they emit energy in the form of light and heat, allowing us to observe rings – or accretion discs … Read more

Neptune vs Uranus (How Are They Different?)

Neptune and Uranus are often compared to one another due to their similarities in composition and due to both falling under the ice giant moniker, however, they still very different when you take into account a number of their other features. The main differences between Neptune and Uranus is that Neptune is a deep blue … Read more

Jupiter vs Pluto (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Jupiter and Pluto is that the former is the largest planet in our solar system that falls under the gas giant moniker whilst the other is the smallest planet in our solar system that was demoted to a dwarf planet in 2006. Pluto is a terrestrial planet whereas Jupiter is made … Read more

Sun vs Neptune (How Are They Different?)

Neptune is the 8th farthest planet from the Sun, is blue in color and very cold whereas the Sun is the star at the center of the solar system that Neptune orbits, produces the energy we receive and has a gravitational force so strong that multiple celestial objects orbit it. Both entities may be made … Read more