Quasar vs Kilonova (How Are They Different?)

The main difference between a quasar and kilonova is that quasars are the brightest known entities in our universe that surround supermassive black holes whilst a kilonova occurs when 2 neutron stars merge together producing an explosion that is 1,000 times the brightness of a nova explosion. There are numerous other differences between these two … Read more

Quasar vs Nebula (How Are They Different?)

The main difference between the two is that a nebula is a large cluster of dust clouds and gases formed after a star dies whereas Quasars are found around the accretion disc of a supermassive black hole, are amongst the brightest and amongst hottest celestial objects in the known universe. Nebulae and quasars differ in … Read more

Quasar vs Nova (How Are They Different?)

A nova is a relatively small yet bright nuclear fusion outburst on a white dwarfs surface when too much energy from its companion red giant star is consumed, whereas quasars are arguably the brightest entities in our universe that surround supermassive black holes, ejecting extremely bright jet particles angled slightly towards Earth. The two are … Read more

Nova vs Supernova (How Are They Different?)

The main difference between novas and supernovae is that a nova explosion only transpires on the surface of white dwarfs when an abundance of hydrogen is gathered from a companion red giant. In contrast, a supernova is a grandiose explosion brighter than most galaxies that only happens when a larger star or a 1.44 solar … Read more

Quasar vs Blazar (How Are They Different?)

Quasars and Blazars are one in the same as the latter is simply a subcategory of a quasar. The main thing that differentiates them is the direction at which they point where blazars specifically propel jet particles in the direction of Earth whereas your average quasar’s jet particles are only slightly angled towards Earth. Although the … Read more

Pulsar vs Quasar (How Are They Different?)

A pulsar is a neutron star that emits light at regular intervals that form when a 8+ solar mass main sequence star or a 1.44 solar mass white dwarf star collapses leaving behind these densely packed entities whereas quasars are extremely bright celestial objects that are powered by supermassive black that shot extremely fast jet … Read more

Quasar vs Supernova (How Are They Different?)

The main difference between quasars and supernova explosions are that quasars are extremely bright light particles that surround supermassive black holes whilst supernovae occur when a large star collapses into itself and explodes in a short lived but grand explosion eclipsing even its entire galaxy in luminosity. Both entities are similar in the sense they … Read more