Dobsonian vs Refractor (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Dobsonian telescopes and refractor telescopes are that Dobsonian telescopes utilise mounts that only move up, down left and right at any given time while refractors can move in every direction depending on the mount used and premium refractive telescopes are often better than Dobsonian telescopes for astrophotography. For a more detailed … Read more

Hubble Telescope vs Kepler Telescope (How Are They Different?)

The Hubble Telescope is a general-purpose observatory created by NASA to make accurate and clear observations of space in visible, ultraviolet, and infrared wavelengths. The Kepler Telescope was a mission commissioned by NASA to search for exoplanets in their stars’ habitable zones. Discover more about the Hubble and Kepler telescopes; learn how each one works, … Read more

Maksutov Cassegrain vs Reflector Telescopes (Explained!)

The main differences between Maksutov-cassegrain (Maks) and reflector telescopes are that reflector telescope only use mirrors, either spherical or parabolic whereas Maks use a combination of a spherical mirror and a glass based corrector lens. As a result of their designs, Maks require light to bounce twice inside the tube making them great for planetary … Read more

Is The Hubble Telescope Reflecting Or Refracting?

The Hubble telescope utilises an optical design referred to as Cassegrain reflector optics meaning it’s a reflecting telescope. This means that the Hubble has 2 mirrors within its chassis, the primary is a concave mirror and the secondary is convex.  There are 3 main reasons why the Hubble is a reflective telescope. Firstly, reflective optics … Read more

Can Telescopes See Through Clouds? (Explained!)

No, telescopes cannot see through clouds. Telescopes may use a magnifying glass that essentially allows us to zoom extremely far out into space however, it does not have the power (right now that is) to look through objects that the human eye cannot.  For example, a magnify glass wouldn’t allow you to see the through … Read more