Is China Bigger Than Europa? (EXPLAINED!)

China is a good deal smaller than Jupiter’s moon, Europa, when landmass is considered coming in at around 9.7 million square kilometers, whereas Europa has 30.9 million square kilometers of land covered in a thick blanket of ice. As for volume China’s is 462 million cubic kilometers which is much smaller than Europa’s 15.9 billion … Read more

Do All Planets Have Cores? (EXPLAINED!)

It is a widely accepted fact that all the planets in our solar system have cores made up of iron, nickel, and other metallic elements. These cores are essential in keeping the planets in their orbits and providing them with gravity. Continue reading to discover why planets have cores, whether or not they all contain … Read more

Why Does The Moon Look Orange? (EXPLAINED!)

When we look into the night sky, we see a white moon, maybe yellow, and sometimes blue. But have you ever seen an orange moon? While a “blood moon” can appear as an orange hue, there are other reasons why you might spot this unusual-colored celestial body in the night sky. Continue reading to discover … Read more

Is Brazil Bigger Than Titan? (ANSWERED!)

Brazil has a surface area of 8.5 million sq. kilometers and a volume of 340 million cubic kilometers while Titan is a spherical entity with a surface area of 83 million sq. kilometers and a volume of 71.6 billion cubic kilometers. It only makes sense that this moon would be bigger as it is spherical whilst … Read more

Uranus vs Titania (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Uranus and Titania are that Titania is a natural satellite while Uranus is a gas giant planet, Titania is tidally locked to Uranus while Uranus is not tidally locked to anything, Uranus has one of the most drastic axial tilts in of 98 degrees while Titania’s axial tilt is practically 0 … Read more

Is Brazil Bigger Than Callisto? (ANSWERED!)

Brazil is the biggest south American country on Earth where it has a surface area of 8.5 million sq. kilometers and a volume of 340 million cubic kilometers while Callisto is a spherical entity with a surface area of 73 million sq. kilometers and a volume of 59 billion cubic kilometers. As a result it only … Read more

Europa vs Titania (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Europa and Titania would be that Europa is bigger with a diameter of 3,121.6km while Titania’s diameter is 1576.8km, Titania orbits Uranus while Europa orbits Jupiter and a day on Titania is longer at 8 days 17 hours compared to Europa’s 3.5 days.  There are various other differences between the two … Read more