Deimos vs Titania (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Deimos and Titania are that Deimos is a moon that orbits Mars while Titania is a moon that orbits Uranus, Titania is bigger with a diameter 1576.8km compared to Deimos’ diameter of 12.4km and Titania is spherical in shape while Deimos is not.  There are various other differences between the two … Read more

Phobos vs Titania (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Phobos and Titania are that Phobos is a moon that orbits Mars while Titania is a moon that orbits Uranus, Titania is bigger with a diameter 1576.8km compared to Phobos’ diameter of 22.53km and Titania is spherical in shape while Phobos is not.  There are various other differences between the two … Read more

Titania vs Charon (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Titania and Charon are that Titania is the bigger of the two with a diameter of 1576.8km while Charon’s diameter is 1,212km, Charon orbits Pluto while Titania orbits Uranus and Titania may have water ice under its surface whereas Charon is unlikely to have the same. There are various other differences … Read more

Pluto vs Titania (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Pluto and Titania are that Pluto is a dwarf planet with 5 moons while Titania is simply Uranus’ largest moon, Pluto is bigger with a diameter 2,370km whereas Titania’s diameter is 1,587.6km and Pluto has a density of 1.88 g/cm³ whereas Titania is more dense with a density of 4.23 g/cm³. For a … Read more

Uranus vs Titania (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Uranus and Titania are that Titania is a natural satellite while Uranus is a gas giant planet, Titania is tidally locked to Uranus while Uranus is not tidally locked to anything, Uranus has one of the most drastic axial tilts in of 98 degrees while Titania’s axial tilt is practically 0 … Read more

Europa vs Titania (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Europa and Titania would be that Europa is bigger with a diameter of 3,121.6km while Titania’s diameter is 1576.8km, Titania orbits Uranus while Europa orbits Jupiter and a day on Titania is longer at 8 days 17 hours compared to Europa’s 3.5 days.  There are various other differences between the two … Read more

Titan vs Titania (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Titan and Titania are that Titan is the 2nd biggest moon with a diameter of 5,150km compared to Titania which is the 7th largest with a diameter of 1,576.8km, Titan orbits Saturn while Titania orbits Uranus and Titan has an atmosphere 1.19 times thicker than Earth’s whereas Titania’s atmosphere is extremely … Read more

The Moon vs Titania (How Do They Differ?)

The main differences between the Moon and Titania is that the Moon is bigger with a diameter of 3,474.8km while Titania’s diameter is 1,576.8km, Titania orbits Uranus while the Moon orbits Earth and Titania may water under its surface is far likely to have any. For a more detailed breakdown of the Moon and Titania … Read more

Ganymede vs Titania (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Ganymede and Titania are that Ganymede is the largest moon in our solar system while Titania is the 8th largest, Ganymede orbits Jupiter while Titania orbits Uranus, Ganymede has a magnetosphere while Titania doesn’t and Titania is believed to be composed of water ice while Ganymede is not.  There are various … Read more