Red Dwarf vs Brown Dwarf (How Are They Different?)

Red dwarfs are the smallest main sequence stars in our universe that are able to convert normal hydrogen to helium whereas brown dwarfs are stars that are too low in mass to convert normal hydrogen, instead converting deuterium (heavy hydrogen). Due to this fact brown dwarfs are often referred to as failed stars. For a … Read more

Jupiter vs Sun (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between the Sun and Jupiter is that the former goes through nuclear fusion, which allows it to create light, is roughly 10 times the width of Jupiter, is hotter and far heavier than Jupiter, weighing roughly 1000 times more than the gas giant. Both celestial objects are similar in how they are … Read more

Red Giant vs Red Dwarf (How Are They Different?)

Red dwarfs and red giants are both red stars that can be spotted in outerspace but, besides their similar color being and temperatures, around 2,200 – 3,200 degrees celsius, both stars are very different. The main differences between the 2 are that red giants are 10000 times bigger than your average red dwarf, have masses … Read more

Nova vs Supernova (How Are They Different?)

The main difference between novas and supernovae is that a nova explosion only transpires on the surface of white dwarfs when an abundance of hydrogen is gathered from a companion red giant. In contrast, a supernova is a grandiose explosion brighter than most galaxies that only happens when a larger star or a 1.44 solar … Read more

Quasar vs Blazar (How Are They Different?)

Quasars and Blazars are one in the same as the latter is simply a subcategory of a quasar. The main thing that differentiates them is the direction at which they point where blazars specifically propel jet particles in the direction of Earth whereas your average quasar’s jet particles are only slightly angled towards Earth. Although the … Read more

Neutron Star vs Sun (How Are They Different?)

The Sun and neutron stars are stars at different stages in their life. The sun is an active main sequence star going through the motions of nuclear fusion whilst a neutron star is the remnants of a star much bigger than the Sun after a supernova explosion has occurred. Neutron stars are far dimmer than … Read more