Deimos vs Jupiter (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Deimos and Jupiter are that Deimos is a natural satellite and Jupiter is a gas giant planet. Deimos is very small with a diameter of 12.4km compared to Jupiter’s 139,820km, Jupiter has 79 objects orbiting it while Deimos has 0 and Jupiter has the strongest magnetosphere in our solar system while … Read more

Phobos vs Jupiter (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Phobos and Jupiter are that Phobos is a natural satellite and Jupiter is a gas giant planet, Phobos is very small with a diameter of 22.53km compared to Jupiter’s 139,820km, Jupiter has 79 objects orbiting it while Phobos has 0 and Jupiter has the strongest magnetosphere in our solar system while … Read more

Jupiter vs Titania (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Jupiter and Titania is that Jupiter is a gas giant planet with 79 moons whilst Titania is a natural satellite the orbits Uranus, Jupiter is around 90 times the size of Titania in diameter and has the strongest magnetic field in our solar system whereas Titania doesn’t have a magnetosphere. There … Read more

Jupiter vs Triton (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Jupiter and Triton are that Jupiter is a gas giant planet with 79 moons whilst Triton is a natural satellite that orbits Neptune, Triton has volcanic activity on its surface whilst Jupiter can’t due to is gas based composition and Jupiter has the strongest magnetosphere in our solar system whilst Trtion … Read more

Why Is Jupiter Denser Than Saturn? (Explained!)

A planet’s density is the ratio of its mass to its volume. The denser a planet is, the more closely packed together all of its particles are. Jupiter is denser than Saturn because its gravitational pull is more substantial, and it has more mass than Saturn. Continue reading to discover why Jupiter is so much … Read more

Jupiter vs Io (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Jupiter and Io are that Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system with a diameter of 139,820km whilst Io is the 4th largest moon with a diameter of 3,643km, Jupiter has 79 moons orbiting it whilst Io has 0 other moons orbiting it, Io is amongst the most volcanically … Read more

Jupiter vs Callisto (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Jupiter and Callisto is that Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system whilst Callisto is the 3rd biggest Moon, Callisto orbits Jupiter whilst Jupiter has 79 moons orbiting it, Jupiter is a gas giant composed of helium and hydrogen whilst Callisto is a low density terrestrial based entity with … Read more