Uranus vs Venus (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Uranus and Venus is that the former is an ice giant composed mostly of gases whereas Venus is a terrestrial planet made out of a rocky, volcanic surface and a gas based atmosphere, making it both the hottest and brightest planet in our solar system as a result. Uranus is also … Read more

Sun vs Saturn (How Do They Differ?)

The main differences between the Sun and Saturn is that the Sun is the hot and bright main sequence star at the center of our galaxy whilst Saturn is a yellow gas giant that is the 6th farthest planet from the Sun, around 12 times smaller and is much colder, with an average temperature at … Read more

Venus vs Pluto (How Are They Different?

The main differences between Venus and Pluto is that Venus is the hottest and brightest planet in our solar system, Pluto has 5 moons whilst Venus has 0, Pluto is a dwarf planet whilst Venus is a normal planet, It takes Pluto 157 hours to complete a day whilst Venus does so in 243 days … Read more

Pluto vs Mercury (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Pluto and Mercury is that Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun whilst Mercury is the closest, Mercury has no moons whilst Pluto has 5, Mercury is far hotter than Pluto, is more than 2 times bigger in regards to diameter and is an offcially recognised planet as opposed to … Read more

Pluto vs Neptune (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Pluto and Neptune would be that the former is a dwarf planet and the latter an ice giant, roughly 25 Pluto’s could fit across Neptune, Pluto is tidally locked to one of its moons whereas Neptune isn’t and the dwarf planet orbits the Sun in an elliptical pattern whilst Neptune does … Read more

Sun vs Pluto (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between the Sun and Pluto is that the former is yellow dwarf star and the other a dwarf planet, Pluto is tidally locked to its moon whilst the Sun is not tidally locked to anything, Pluto orbits the Sun whilst the Sun orbits nothing and lastly the Sun is a scorching hot … Read more