Deimos vs Mercury (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Deimos and Mercury are that Deimos is a natural staellite that orbits Mars while Mercury is a planet that only orbits the Sun, Deimos is far smaller with a diameter of 12.4km compared to Mercury’s 4,879km and Deimos is tidally locked to Mars while Mercury is in a 3:2 orbital resonance … Read more

Phobos vs Mercury (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Phobos and Mercury are that Phobos is a natural satellite that orbits Mars while Mercury is a planet that only orbits the Sun, Phobos is far smaller with a diameter of 22.53km compared to Mercury’s 4,879km and Phobos is getting closer to Mars roughly 1.8cm every year, where it may potentially … Read more

Is Europe Bigger Than Mercury? (ANSWERED!)

Europe is the second smallest continent on Earth, whilst Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Still, there’s no comparison regarding which one is bigger as the former is a flat land mass with a surface area of 10.53 million square kilometers and a volume of 420 million cubic kilometers while Mercury is a … Read more

Is Brazil Bigger Than Mercury? (ANSWERED!)

Brazil has a surface area of 8.5 million sq. kilometers and a volume of 340 million cubic kilometers while Mercury is the smallest planet but a spherical entity with a surface area of 74.79 million sq. kilometers and a volume of 60.8 billion cubic kilometers. Therefore, it only makes sense that a planet would be bigger … Read more

Mercury vs Titania (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Mercury and Titania are that Mercury is a the closest planet to the Sun whilst Titania is a natural satellite that orbits Uranus, Titania is smaller with a diameter of 1576.8km whilst Mercury has a diameter of 4,879km and Mercury is in a 3:2 orbital resonance whereas Titania is tidally locked … Read more

Is Canada Bigger Than Mercury? (Answered!)

Canada has a surface area of 9.98 million sq. kilometers and a volume of 349.46 mllion cubic kilometers while Mercury is the smallest planet but a spherical entity with a surface area of 74.79 million sq. kilometers and a volume of 60.8 billion cubic kilometers. It only makes sense that a planet would be bigger as … Read more

Is China Bigger Than Mercury? (Answered!)

China is the third largest country on Earth, whilst Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. Still, there’s no comparison regarding which one is bigger as China is a flat land mass with a surface area of 9.7 million square kilometers and a volume of 462.5 million cubic kilometers while Mercury is a … Read more

Is Africa Bigger Than Mercury? (Answered!)

Africa is the second largest of all Earth’s continents, whilst Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. Still, there’s no comparison regarding which one is bigger as Africa is a flat land mass with a surface area of 30.3 million square kilometers and a volume of 1.12 billion cubic kilometers while Mercury is … Read more

Mercury vs Triton (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Mercury and Triton would be that Mercury is a planet whilst Triton is a natural satellite, Mercury is larger with a diameter of 4,879km whilst Triton has a diameter of 2,706km and Mercury is far hotter with a temperature of 167 degrees Celsius whilst Triton’s average is -235 degrees Celsius. There … Read more

Is Australia Bigger Than Mercury? (Explained!)

Mercury is far bigger than Australia with a surface area of 74,797,000 squared kilometers whilst Australia’s is 7,617,930 square km. In regards to their overall diameter, even with the smaller diameter amongst the planets of 4,878km, Australia’s is still far smaller at max diameter of 3,500km.  For a more thorough breakdown of the size of … Read more