What Is a Huygens Eyepiece?(Explained!)

Huygens eyepieces are used for magnification in optical devices, such as telescopes and microscopes. These eyepieces consist of two planoconvex lenses separated a short distance in the eyepiece, enhancing images using only white lights. For more information regarding Huygens eyepieces, such as how they work, where they come from, and the pros and cons to … Read more

Is Mars Tidally Locked?(Explained!)

A celestial body is considered to be tidally locked when it rotates around an object at the exact same pace that it orbits that body. Essentially, the length of a day and a year is the same for a tidally locked planet, because it takes the same amount of time to fully rotate on its … Read more

Do Gas Giants Have A Solid Core?(Answered!)

All known gas giants, like Jupiter and Saturn, have solid cores. These cores are either rocky or metallic, and aren’t completely solid throughout, with some of the core being comprised of molten metal and rock. It’s hard to imagine that the most massive things in our solar system besides the Sun could be made of something … Read more

Is Earth Tidally Locked?(Explained!)

Tidal locking is a phenomenon in which the locked celestial body’s day and year are the same length, because the amount of time it takes to complete an orbit around its own axis and around the planet/body it is orbiting is equal. This occurs because of gravitational forces acting upon the bodies. Earth is not … Read more

Is Europa Tidally Locked?(Explained!)

Europa is the sixth Moon of Jupiter. It orbits the planet once every three and a half earth days and is tidally locked, meaning that it always faces Jupiter on the same side. Continue reading to explore why Europa is tidally locked and the effects this has on both it and the planet Jupiter. The … Read more

Is Jupiter Tidally Locked?(Explained!)

Jupiter is not tidally locked to the sun, any of its own moons, or any other planet. Jupiter’s distance from the Sun and other planets, combined with its enormous size, prevents it from becoming tidally locked. That being said, all of Jupiter’s major moons are tidally locked to Jupiter, but not the other way around.  … Read more

Why Are Telescopes Built On Mountains?(2 Primary Reasons!)

Telescopes are built in mountains to eliminate light pollution and minimize the distorting effect of the atmosphere. Light pollution and atmospheric distortion are the two most problematic things for astronomers and the optical telescopes they use, so building the telescope on the peak of a mountain lessens these interferences as much as possible.  Ever since … Read more

What is An Aspheric Eyepiece? (Explained!)

Unlike traditional lenses, an aspheric eyepiece does not have a spherical surface. This non-spherical surface is able to correct aberrations, often leading to more improved and cheap optical results. Aspheric eyepieces are often used in glasses, telescopes, and other optical objects as a result. Whether you are a fan of telescopes or need eyeglasses yourself, … Read more