How Do Black Holes Warp Spacetime? (Explained!)

Science fiction tells us that black holes could act as portals to different dimensions in space or that they could be a vehicle for time travel. These mystical entities indeed warp spacetime, a large part of the reason being the influence of their gargantuan mass on their surroundings which will slow down time the closer … Read more

Why Do Black Holes Spin? (Explained!)

The spin of a black hole can achieve a speed close to that of light. The reason for this is that black holes begin life as spinning stars. As the star transforms into a black hole, its mass is concentrated into a much smaller area, and the rotation speed must increase to balance the angular … Read more

Do Black Holes Increase In Size? (Explained!)

Black holes are mysterious objects that pose a paradoxical problem: they remain at a consistent size, but their interior volume increases forever. Discover how and why black holes increase in size and the reasons why an “evaporation” could be possible. How Do Black Holes Increase In Size? Black holes increase in size by consuming material … Read more

Why Do Black Holes Have Rings? (Explained!)

On the edge of a black hole lies an area where matter can still possess just enough energy to escape the enormous gravitational pull of these monsters. Thanks to the excessive energy output of these particles, they emit energy in the form of light and heat, allowing us to observe rings – or accretion discs … Read more

Black Hole vs Nova (How Are They Different?)

Black holes form when a large star goes supernova and collapses into itself, producing an entity so dark and dense that no light can escape it. On the other hand, nova explosions transpire on the surface of white dwarfs that has consume an excess amount of resources from it’s red giant binary star, creating a … Read more

Quasar vs Blazar (How Are They Different?)

Quasars and Blazars are one in the same as the latter is simply a subcategory of a quasar. The main thing that differentiates them is the direction at which they point where blazars specifically propel jet particles in the direction of Earth whereas your average quasar’s jet particles are only slightly angled towards Earth. Although the … Read more