Why Is Uranus Denser Than Saturn? (Explained!)

While Uranus and Saturn are both gas giants, the composition of these two planets is quite different, and the presence of icy elements in the former makes it far denser. That’s why Saturn has a density rating of 0.687 g/cm³ and Uranu’s is almost double that at 1.27 g/cm³. Discover why Saturn is the least dense planet … Read more

Is Asia Bigger Than Mercury? (Explained!)

Asia is the biggest continent on Earth with a surface area of 44,579,000 square kilometres whilst Mercury has a surface area of 74,797,000, square kilometres yet is the smallest planet in the solar system. The only manner in which Asia is bigger than Mercury is through its diameter where it is 11,000 km whilst Mercury … Read more

Is USA Bigger Than Pluto? (Answered!)

Pluto has a surface area of 17.6 million km² with an estimated volume of 6.4 billion cubic kilometers whilst USA has a surface area of 9.834 million km² with an estimated volume of 393.34 million cubic km, making it far smaller than Pluto. It is quite obvious that the flatter planes of the United states would be incomparable … Read more

Mars vs Charon (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Mars and Charon are that Mars is the 4th farthest planet form the Sun whilst Charon is joint the 9th farthest entity, Mars is bigger with a diameter of 6,779km whilst Charon’s diameter is 1,212km, Mars has 2 moons orbiting it whilst Charon has 0 and Mars is an official planet … Read more

Venus vs Charon (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Venus and Charon is that Venus is the second largest terrestrial planet in our solar system at 12,104km, the brightest entity and hottest planet in our solar system whilst Charon is Pluto’s largest moon, a low density terrestrial object and is the joint 9th farthest Planet from the Sun whilst Venus … Read more

Mercury vs Charon (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Mercury and Charon would be that Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun whilst Charon is joint 9th farthest (with Pluto) from the Sun, Mercury is far hotter at 167°C whilst Charon is far coolder achieving temperatures of -253°C and Mercury is bigger with a diameter of 4,879km whilst Charon’s … Read more

Pluto vs Charon (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Pluto and Charon is that Pluto is a dwarf planet with 5 moons orbiting it and itself orbiting the Sun whilst Charon is Pluto’s largest moon and orbits the dwarf planet. Pluto is also bigger with a diameter of 2,370km whilst Charon is smaller with a diameter of 1,212km. There are … Read more