Titan vs Earth (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Titan and Earth is that Titan is a natural satellite that orbits Saturn and is the 2nd biggest moon in the solar system and is even larger than Mercury with a diameter of 5,150km whilst Earth allows intelligent life to flourish, is 12,742km in diameter and has its own natural satellite … Read more

Earth vs Uranus (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Earth and Uranus is that Earth is the 3rd farthest planet from Earth whilst Uranus is 7th, Uranus has an axial tilt of 98 degrees whilst Earth’s is 23.5 degrees, Earth has 1 moon whilst Uranus has 27 and Earth is a terrestrial planet composed mostly of water and rock whereas … Read more

Sun vs Earth (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between the Sun and Earth would be that the Sun is a yellow dwarf main-sequence star that is 1.39 million km in diameter that is located at the center of our solar system, with the ability to produce energy via nuclear fusion whilst Earth is the 3rd farthest terrestrial planet from the Sun … Read more

Jupiter vs Earth (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Earth and Jupiter is that Earth is a terrestrial planet that can harbour intelligent life whilst Jupiter is a gas giant that cannot, Earth is the 3rd farthest planet from the Sun whilst Jupiter is 5th, Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system whilst Earth is 5th, Jupiter has … Read more

What Is An Anti Universe? (Explained!)

In an intriguing new theory, scientists suggest that an “anti-universe” could be running backward in time from the point of the big bang. Applying the existence of fundamental symmetry to the universe as a whole, a mirror image of our universe could help us to understand the nature of dark matter better. Continue reading to … Read more

What Shape Is The Universe? (Explained!)

There is no conclusive way for scientists to determine the shape of our universe. Still, most current research suggests that we live in a flat universe, which can expand in every direction without experiencing a positive or negative curvature.  Continue reading to discover why recent data suggests our universe could be curved and the impact … Read more

Earth vs Venus (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Earth and Venus would be that Venus is both the brightest and hottest terrestrial planet in our solar system whilst Earth is the only terrestrial planet with intelligent life, a day on Earth is 24 hours whilst Venus completes a full rotation in 243 days, Venus takes 225 days to orbit … Read more