Mercury vs Charon (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Mercury and Charon would be that Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun whilst Charon is joint 9th farthest (with Pluto) from the Sun, Mercury is far hotter at 167°C whilst Charon is far coolder achieving temperatures of -253°C and Mercury is bigger with a diameter of 4,879km whilst Charon’s … Read more

Pluto vs Charon (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Pluto and Charon is that Pluto is a dwarf planet with 5 moons orbiting it and itself orbiting the Sun whilst Charon is Pluto’s largest moon and orbits the dwarf planet. Pluto is also bigger with a diameter of 2,370km whilst Charon is smaller with a diameter of 1,212km. There are … Read more

Titan vs Charon (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Titan and Charon is that Titan is the 2nd largest moon with a diameter of 5,150km whilst Charon is the 12th largest with a diameter of 1,212km, Titan orbits Saturn whilst Charon orbits Pluto and Titan has an atmosphere and water cycle comparable to that of Earth whilst Pluto does not. … Read more

Ganymede vs Charon (How Are They Different?)

The main differences between Ganymede and Charon is that Ganymede is the largest natural satellite in all of our solar system with a diameter of 5,268km whilst Charon is the 12th largest moon with a diameter of 1,212km, Ganymede orbits Jupiter whilst Charon orbits Pluto and Ganymede has a magnetosphere whilst Charon does not. There … Read more

Charon vs Callisto (How Are They Different?)

Charon and Callisto are two of the moons located in the Milky Way solar system. The former is an icy world tidally locked to its almost sister planet, Pluto. Callisto is a giant, frigid landscape orbiting Jupiter. Both of these moons fascinate scientists as there’s a chance they could have water below the surface, meaning … Read more