Is Venus Tidally Locked? (Explained!)


When a celestial body is tidally locked to another, the time it takes to rotate around that other body is equal to the time it takes to rotate once upon its own axis. In other words, a day and an entire year are equal in length. This phenomenon is caused by gravitational forces. A good … Read more

Why Are Radio Telescopes So Large?

Radio telescopes are a marvel of astronomical technology. They can view things we could never dream of seeing with our own eyes. Their only downfall is how extremely large they tend to be, sometimes spanning multiple miles. Radio telescopes are so large because the wavelengths they receive, radio waves, are so much larger than the … Read more

White Hole Vs Black Hole – The Main Differences

The difference between a white hole and a black hole is the direction space-time is flowing. Space-time flow towards a black hole’s event horizon, whereas space-time flow away from a white hole’s event horizon.  Since the two entities are opposite and opposing, you might think that if the two collided, they would cancel each other … Read more

Black Hole vs Wormhole – How Are They Different?

The main difference between a black hole and a wormhole is where they physically end. Black holes come to a point of extreme density called a singularity from which nothing can escape – not even wavelengths of light. A wormhole has two open ends which hypothetically connect two different points in time and space. If … Read more